Avallen, also known as "The Summerlands," is the sacred Fae island located off the shore of Valbara and Pangera.
Not much is known about Avallen, besides that it houses a High King, Cormac Donnall's father. Concerning the Fae, the Avallen Fae and the Pangeran Fae are known to be rivals. Avallen is surrounded by mists that protect the island. Not even the Asteri could pierce them, thus Avallen has been left to mostly govern itself. Its ways are hidden from the modern world. One must be invited to cross the mists by the High King or Queen. The Avallen Fae are particularly patriarchal and misogynist. Females are generally valued only for the sons they can bear. The Avallen Archives are not open to females and they can't go past the lobby. The Avallen Fae are known for their shadow magic. It is the power to summon shadows or mist that can not only veil the physical world, but the mind as well. They can also have telepathy.
Known Locations[]
Known Inhabitants[]
- Cormac Donnall †
- Duncan Donnall †
- Lady Hawthorne
- Lorin (formerly)
- Morven Donnall †
- Padraig Hawthorne
- Seamus Donnall †
- Lidia Cervos' father, a stag Shifter, was originally from Avallen.[citation needed]
- Ruhn Danaan's Ordeal occurred on Avallen, along with Declan Emmet and Tristan Flynn. It involved them fighting against Cormac and his twin cousins in the Cave of Princes to retrieve the Starsword.
- After the defeat of the Asteri, six pegasi appear in Avallen.